Finally my friend has recieved this shit from "top online casino number 1"Dear Customer,
We hereby informing you that you account has been terminated due to severe violation of our Terms and Conditions.
Should you require further information please contact our Support Team.
Best regards,
Alexandros Y
Customer Service
Videoslots.comClick to expand...:
So they has stolen around 30k$ of my winnings, so nice...
p.s. The funny things is that wrote direcly to me this shit:But on casinomesiter they have posted another version:Hi Andrey
You have indeed been a good affiliate for us and we have been very grateful for the help you have done with our site. That is also the reason behind why we let your affiliate account to remain open, normally we would have closed the account.
The main problem is that you were gambling when you were self-excluded. By the rules of our licences we are force to void all bets and wins regardless if you win or lose. There are no options, if we don’t follow we would risk to lose our licences. Regardless what you post about us online, it will not change the rules we are bound to follow.
This was a hard call for us, but we cannot risk our licence to keep one affiliate happy.Click to expand...Hello everyone,
We have received a lot of questions regarding a certain player who also is an affiliate and the closure of his account after streaming.
On the 18th January, we received reports of a high limit player streaming Videoslots on Twitch.
When investigating the account, we saw that the registered player was not the same person that was playing on the account on Twitch.Further investigation lead us to understand this was one of our affiliates.
When looking up the affiliates account registered in his own name, we saw that he was self-excluded from gambling at Videoslots.
That automatically voided all play as per the rules of our regulation and account was closed. All deposits were also returned minus any previous pay-outs.
Not only was the affiliate playing on someone else account while being self-excluded, this account was also tracked to his own affiliate account.
So, on all his losses he would get a big part back in affiliate earnings with no negative carryover. Getting a big advantage over the casino and breaching our terms and conditions.
The affiliate has made public claims that he had our permission to do this, but that is not true. The affiliate had contacted our VIP department to ask if we could raise the deposit and withdrawal limit on his friends account and that they used to play casino together. Our VIP department responded that the owner of the account had to do the request. Nothing else was communicated from us regarding this.
Under no circumstances would Videoslots allow a self-excluded player to gamble on anyone else account.
DanielClick to expand...
Lie and double standards............. They can not understand that account is not my.........It's account of another real person who also stream and he is my friends and he stream a lot together before and never had this fucking problem........................... Accounnt was FULLY verifed and he got first cashout 32k$ without any problem
I don't want to waste my time to this casino anymore and will not write nothing, ok i lost this money, hope they will lost their reputation
Cya VideoSLots! HF and Good Luck
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