Every spectator remembers emotions, caused by empathy and close connection with his idol, when he receives a particularly large donate. It's no secret that streamers often rely on the donations of their adherents as their sole source of income. Therefore, if the content and the broadcast itself came to the viewer's liking, then skimp on Donate is not worth it. In addition, there are also fake donations, that is, unreal. This way to "warm up" the emotions of the public allows to improve the position that the channel occupies, to give the streamer of popularity and to provoke the audience for money. Among the options for how to overpower the Faive with money on Twitch is a few, to turn that simple simple. It is quite possible to do this even on the channel of an extraneous streamer in order to play a comrade or simply defuse the situation.
StreamLabs and Donation Alerts
StreamLabs is a universal program for managing broadcasts, content and, of course, donations. Before you "make" a large donation on Twitch, you should pay attention to the complete configuration of this software, as well as OBS, through which the flow to the site. So, for example, the capture field should not "light" the streamer's manipulation in order to not reveal the joke ahead of time. On a PC, you can do this during a pause in the broadcast, selecting the channel splash as the source of the stream. When everything is ready, and the stream is in full swing, you can start the presentation.

How to donate with fake money on Twitch by StreamLabs?
Very simple:
- you need to select an item in the software management menu called "My donations";
- select "Add a donation";
- Select the donater name, enter the message and specify the date.
Of course, the program must be synchronized with OBS. Then the fake donate will appear on Twitch, the streamer is happy, his reaction warms up the audience and everyone is happy.
Donation Alerts is a third-party service for managing streamer donations. The plus of the resource is the ability to voice messages and a clear interface. You should also connect the service to OBS by inserting the necessary code from the "Connection" item in the software via the "CLR Browser" function, then repeat the process described above.
By the chat
This option is great for playing a friend. He works with English-speaking streamers, perhaps with the Russians too. All you need for this is to enter into the chat the command "/ me donated $ 100. Thank's for donation ", the amount can be any, the main thing - to choose the right sign of the monetary unit. The phone in this case is more convenient than the PC, because the command was tested on the Twitch service application for smartphones on iOS and Android. As you can see, nothing complicated.