Online casino ranking by a license Gibraltar

The Gibraltar Regulatory Authority is home for numerous well-known and long-living online casinos. The regulator is located not far from the southern coast of Spain.Online gambling licensing has become one of the most principle and profitable economic sectors of Gibraltar. Originally, Gibraltar offered licenses only for online gambling (sport betting, casinos). As the jurisdiction???s reputation was growing, the government decided to move to a new level. Gibraltar undertakes software fairness checks and deeper checks of licensees' clean slate and business practices.Unfortunately, one of the gaming software providers,who was holding several Gibraltar licenses and in the same time was developing and providing gambling software to operators, violated GRA rules multiple times, but no actions were taken by GRA against it in a short period. It is important to mention, that the games (cards) in this case functioned not like the real ones. Changes in paytable led to changes in RTP. In practice mode RTP was much higher than in real play mode. It means that advertised RTP didn???t correspond to the real one. Any of this aspects taken separately is a severe violation of GRA license rules. The investigation took more than 4 months, and still some questions remain unanswered. Was the commission capable of enforcing its own rules? This incident completely ruined GRA???s reputation as a regulator. While Gibraltar was actively helping players in problem solving, they forgot another crucial aspect and were not able to protect players from fraud timely. That???s why we strike Gibraltar from the top regulators list.Contact Details:Website ??? ??? [email protected]Phone ??? 00350 20064142 Fax ??? 00350 20064150Address ??? Gambling DivisionGovernment of GibraltarGibraltar